Car care and maintenance. Since there is no physical contact with the car body, there is no risk of damage caused by brush bristles (even if brushes are in good condition they can cause erosions). Likewise there is no problem of tunnel and gantry malfunctions causing impacts with vehicles.
Significant savings on water consumption for washing vehicles (40 litres per wash in a HAP installation compared to the average 250 litres used in conventional hand washing or the 300 litres used in a car wash tunnel).
Saving on electricity consumption compared to other car washing methods.
Does not require labour to carry out the actual activity, only for small daily maintenance tasks (replacing consumables, cleaning installations, etc.) and for collection of payment.
Less risk of breakdowns than with brush-washing equipment and greater independence from authorised technical services for those that may occur.
Environment-friendly: because this activity is carried out in a zone specifically for this purpose, with products that have been proven to be harmless for the environment and on a site with all the necessary means for collecting and disposing of any discharges of greases or hydrocarbons that may occur when the vehicle is being washed.